A Little Bit About Myself
My name is Samantha Weikers and I attend Georgia Southern University located in Statesboro, Georgia. This is actually my first blog I have ever published, so I hope you all enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it! As you'll see in my testimony, I'm writing this blog for a few reasons, however overall, its to bring attention to medical patients suffering, just like my mom. As you further into the blog, hopefully you'll understand the importance of this topic. For some background information, I'm from a town called McDonough, Georgia which is located about 30 minutes south of Atlanta. My hobbies include writing, working out, and pretty much anything that has to do with the outdoors. I am an only child, with one dog named Sasha. I am a Public Relations Major and am wanting to go into Pharmaceuical Sales. I am currently apart of the PRSSA club and plan on running for a leadership position amongst the club. Being a Public Relations Major, I always thought the art of commu...